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Why Write At All?


Wow, it’s been a while. Learning to homeschool, lead worship, cook, clean, and care for two bright, busy, and chatty boys sure takes a lot of energy. But if I don’t set aside even one measly hour a week to begin writing again, my writing days will continue fading into the sunset. I miss my writing group dearly. The seasons continue changing and here I am - a new 40 year old - with complete creative and decision freedom, which both overwhelms and excites me. Depending on the day. Social media, scrolling, idea overload increases the overwhelm . Being present, unhurried - yet diligent - is what keeps me excited to wake up early each day and embrace my work with joy.

I love encouraging others. I love making music and writing. These are the tools I was born with. But taking notice, creating something each day - these don’t seem productive. It’s not like picking up a paycheck or vacuuming the floor. It’s more like lifting weights. You do it consistently and slowly you see results. Slowly you become the person you were meant to be, a person who contributes out of their strength. Out of their natural, but honed, skills. A person who keeps their eyes on the horizon and crosses their arms against all other distractions. That constant swarm of bees that gets louder each time we stay up past our bedtime scrolling Shorts or Reels (speaking from experience).

I’m about to start teaching 2nd grade at home. Our living room is full of books and musical instruments. We have lots of friends and activities to look forward to. It’s going to be a good year. And I am determined to fit this writing puzzle piece back in.

I have finished short stories needing submission. I have unfinished long stories needing attention. I have finished songs needing submission. I have unfinished songs needing work. And I have an Instagram account to delete and little writing snippets to bring over here to save and share. Today I told myself to sit down, pick up my little writing pickax and start chiseling away. A rolling stone gathers no moss, right?! I’ll get there. It might not seem to matter, but if I stop writing and never use this tool I’ll regret it. I won’t remember any of the stupid entertainment I consumed or the pretty pictures I scrolled through. But I will remember the work I never finished. The ideas I knew were good ones that I let gather dust and slowly disintegrate into oblivion.

I’m saying this now, so any of you reading have permission to get on my case if I fail to keep up this habit……….

I’ll see you next week! :)

1 Comment

Denise Hays
Denise Hays
6 days ago

Glad you're back!! And I'll be eagerly watching for more insights.

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