A friend of mine wrote this book, and I realized I never published my review of it after reading it last summer! Lilla, if you’re reading, I promise I’ll be more prompt on my review of Book #2…….
I've been making a point to read more fantasy, and I honestly really enjoyed The Unseen. The subtle, underlying humor and bits of cozy respite as main characters get to know each other and grow in their trust and affection balanced the inevitable violence and occasional language that is necessary to make an assassin and his syndicate seem believable. I enjoyed the beautiful imagery of non-mortal realms. I was a bit startled as the cast of characters just continued growing, but it really helped with the development of such a vast and interesting world(s). I'm looking forward to the rest of the series, as the end of The Unseen really left a shocking amount open for continued development.
Visit www.lillaglass.com for more info on the author and upcoming books!